Thursday, November 25, 2010

A solution to magpie season: the RMD project

The following dropped into my inbox earlier this week and I enjoyed it so much I had to share it. It’s proof that strategy consultants can solve just about anything. Here they tackle the classic problem of magpie attacks in Spring in just 3 Powerpoint slides. Jerry Castle is the genius behind it. Hope you laugh as much as I did.

If you are finding the writing a bit small, just click on the slide to enlarge. Take the time to read it... I promise your efforts will be rewarded!


  1. No more excuses for spring time spread due to my phobia of the black and white b.....ds.

    Bring it on.

  2. But... what if, once they'd killed all the actual magpies, their programme got corrupted & they turned their attention to CYCLISTS??? Or worse yet, the magpies worked out how to hack computers (from what you say about them, I'm sure it's only a matter of time) and turn them against their human masters?? All Australian cyclists would be to reduced to hitting the turbo for the whole of spring!

    Actually..... given that your spring coincides with our nasty British Autumn, & reading about Aussies having idyllic rides in the spring sun (marred only by losing an eye to the magpie attack) while it's raining & nasty outside doesn't make me a happy bunny, that might not be a bad thing!

